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Media Advisory

Girls Soar Physical Activity Week Kick-Off Press Conference

(February 11, 2009)-- HRM invites the media to attend the Kick-Off Press Conference for the Girls Soar Activity Week.

Event:   Girls Soar Physical Activity Week Kick-Off Event
When:   Friday, February 13th, 2009 (9:30 am - 10:30 am)
Where:  LeBrun Community Centre, 36 Holland Avenue, Bedford

Supporters in Attendance:
Mayor Peter Kelly
Megan Leslie, Member of Parliament for Halifax
Diana Whalen, Member of the Legislative Assembly for Halifax Clayton Park
Barry Dalrymple, HRM Councillor for Waverley - Fall River - Beaver Bank
Lorelei Nicoll, HRM Councillor for Cole Harbour
Sue Uteck, HRM Councillor for Northwest Arm - South End
Jennifer Watts, HRM Councillor for Connaught - Quinpool
Debbie Hum, HRM Councillor for Rockingham - Wentworth
Linda Mosher, HRM Councillor for Purcell's Cove - Armdale


Contact: Rachel Bedingfield

Physical Activity Coordinator

Active Halifax Communities

(902) 490-5447




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.