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Regional Council Defines Focus For Next Four Years

(Tuesday, February 17, 2009) - Today, HRM Staff completed detailed presentations to Regional Council on the five Council Focus Areas adopted earlier this year. The Focus Areas are one of the foundation pieces for HRM's budget process, and provide staff with the direction needed to develop the most effective business plans.

Council's Focus Areas include those programs and services where Council has determined they want to have the greatest impact and that support the vision for our community over the next four years.  Mayor Peter Kelly said, "The focus areas allow Council to more clearly define the programs and services, that will have the greatest positive impact for residents. It also provides a clearer fiscal focus, as we move through these tight economic times, yet allows us the flexibility to adapt to a constantly changing economy".

The Council Focus Areas include Transportation, Infrastructure, Public Safety, Community Planning, as well as, Governance & Communications. The detailed information included initiatives such as:

Community Planning
Implementation of HRM By Design, ongoing implementation of the Regional Plan, improved planning process time lines

Governance & Communications
Committee and Council Reform, internal and external communications

More community facilities and maintenance of existing facilities, improved streets, roads & sidewalk conditions, community beautification, playground, parkland and garden improvements
Transit enhancements, active transportation, traffic management & transportation planning

Public Safety
Establishment of a corporate Public Safety Office, development of a diversity strategy, enhanced partnerships with provincial government and agencies in developing public safety strategies, the mobilization of communities through engagement and collective public safety strategies, well communicated crime reduction strategies and increased access to programs for youth.

In addition, Council also wants to ensure that protection of the environment and physical accessability considerations were apparent in everything HRM does.

These focus areas set the direction Council will take over the coming years, and will assist in the allocation of funds to appropriate projects and initiatives.



Mayor Peter Kelly

Deborah Story, Acting Manager

Corporate Communications





Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.