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Public Service Announcement

HRM's Ride Matching Website Expands

February 25, 2009 - is a state of the art ride matching system that allows commuters to quickly and securely find carpool partners. The system matches people based on proximity to origin, destination points and travel route as well as similar working hours and compatible carpooling preferences. The initiative has just been expanded to include a parking match component. The enhancement will be a permanent feature of the website, however this added feature may offer an immediate solution to those directly affected by the winter parking ban. Now the public will be able to use the website to find a parking partner. Residents needing or offering a place to park can log onto the website and register today. This parking match registration is a free service supported by HRM, however all parking arrangements/costs are up to the discretion of participating individuals.


Roxane MacInnis
Transportation Demand Management Planner
Phone 490-4160




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.