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Council Committees Vote in Favour of HRMbyDesign Downtown Plan

(Thursday, March 12, 2009) – HRMbyDesign's Downtown Plan received a significant demonstration of support yesterday as the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) voted in favour of forwarding the plan to Regional Council next month.

"I am extremely pleased that the HAC chose to recommend the Downtown Plan to council," said Andy Fillmore, HRMbyDesign project manager. "It is further confirmation that the plan accurately reflects the vision of a vibrant, liveable and sustainable downtown as expressed by thousands of citizens and key stakeholder groups over the past two years."

The HAC is one of three committees of council that were identified at the beginning of the HRMbyDesign project to advise Regional Council on the plan. On February 18, 2009, both the Urban Design Task Force and the Regional Plan Advisory Committee also voted overwhelmingly in favour of recommending the plan to council.

"Gaining the support of all three council committees is an exciting milestone for the project," explained Paul MacKinnon, vice-chair of the Urban Design Task Force. "Members of the task force and staff have worked hard to maintain a balance in the plan between providing increased protection for heritage resources and fostering new, well-designed development projects. These votes of confidence by all three council committees affirm our wide base of support as we prepare to take the plan to Regional Council next month."

The Downtown Plan, which includes a new secondary municipal planning strategy and land use by-law for downtown Halifax, as well as HRM's first heritage conservation district plan for Barrington Street, will be presented to members of Regional Council at a Committee of the Whole session at the end of the month. Following that presentation, Council will schedule first reading and a public hearing for the plan before making a final decision on its approval.


Andy Fillmore
HRMbyDesign Project Manager

Tiffany Chase
Communications Specialist




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