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Halifax Regional Council Requests Budget That Holds Tax Rate for 2009/2010 Budget

(Tuesday, April 7, 2009) - Today at Committee of the Whole, Halifax Regional Council heard the second presentation on HRM’s Fiscal Framework. As a result of the presentation, Regional Council recommended to staff to build the proposed budget on the basis of holding the tax rate for the 2009/2010 budget year.

The first presentation to Council on the Fiscal Framework was made on February 24, 2009. Since that time, many difficult decisions were made in order to support holding the tax rate steady.

“Council is mindful of the world’s economic volatility and wishes to bear no additional burden on the taxpayer. said Mayor Peter Kelly. “We are looking forward to maintaining, and under some circumstances, enhancing current service levels with no tax rate increase.”

Additionally, Council approved a reduction in the Fire Protection Area Rate this year, to recognize and eliminate a $4.7 million surplus that has gradually accumulated in the Fire Protection Area Rate.

Both Fiscal Framework presentations provide details on the fiscal pressures facing the Municipality, and enable Council to give direction to staff to develop the draft budget, which will be tabled on April 28, 2009.

“We are proud of our record to manage funds well and responsibly. We plan to continue that and add more to our reserves in the upcoming budget which will safeguard our future,” said Mayor Kelly.

Council provided direction today but the tax rate will come back to Council for full debate at a later date.

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Mayor Peter Kelly




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.