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Atlantic Mayors Focus on Economy

(April 15, 2009) - Mayors from throughout Atlantic Canada converge on Halifax City Hall Thursday through Saturday this week for the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress, an opportunity to discuss a variety of issues that are key to economic growth and community building.

The Mayors, who come together twice annually, will focus on the economy, immigration, culture and creativity, sustainability, air transportation, operational finance and infrastructure.

Through their discussions the Mayors will develop common positions on matters of vital public interest that they will bring forward to the federal government and their respective provincial governments.

On Thursday, economic development staff will participate with the Mayors in a “Growing Atlantic Canada” symposium. Organized by Greater Halifax Partnership, the day will focus on immigration, Atlantic Gateway and the Atlantic economic outlook.

During the symposium, Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC) President and CEO Elizabeth Beals, will give an economic overview. David Oxner, Executive Director of the Nova Scotia Gateway Initiative, will outline opportunities for municipalities in the Atlantic Region to participate in Gateway development. Mary-Ellen Valkenier, Acting Director General of Atlantic Region Citizenship and Immigration Canada, as well as, Elizabeth Mills, Executive Director Nova Scotia Office of Immigration will lead discussions on attracting and retaining immigrants to the region.

On Friday, the Mayors will discuss cultural affairs and what it means to be a “creative city.” Andrew Whittemore, HRM Manager of Community Development, will present on the burgeoning interest in community development. Charlottetown Mayor Clifford Lee, known for his sharp budget pencil, will lead a session on operational funding. Andy Fillmore, Manager, Sustainable Environment Management for HRM will present the many challenges for municipalities to become more sustainable, while Halifax Stanfield International Airport CEO Tom Ruth will speak to the many ways air transportation can stimulate the economy.

Special guest speaker for the Mayors’ luncheon in Halifax Hall will be Hon. Jack Layton, Federal Leader of the New Democratic Party. Mr. Layton a former councillor in Toronto and one-time president of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities will address the issue of economic stimulation through direct federal financing of infrastructure projects at the municipal government level .

The Mayors will also hear from Eastlink CEO Dan McKeen about how municipalities can connect with their communities through community cable broadcasting.

On Saturday, Massimo Bergamini of Interchange Public Affairs will participate in a session with the Mayors on ways to improve intergovernmental communications.

Please see the attached agenda for more information.


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Mayor Peter Kelly
Chairman of Atlantic Mayors’ Congress
(902) 490-4010

Atlantic Mayors' Congress


Halifax Regional Municipality
City Hall
Council Chamber
April 16-18, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Growing Atlantic Canada

1. 8:45 – 9:00 am       Welcome Peter Kelly, Mayor HRM

2. 9:00 – 9:15 am      Opening Remarks and Review of Agenda
                                   Stephen Dempsey, President and CEO
                                   Greater Halifax Partnership

3. 9:15 – 9:45 am       Presentation – Economic Overview
                                   Elizabeth Beale, President and CEO
                                   Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC)

4. 10:00 – 10:30 am   Presentation – Gateway
                                   David Oxner, Executive Director
                                   Nova Scotia Gateway Initiative

5. 10:45 – 11:15 am   Presentation – Immigration
                                   Mary-Ellen Valkenier, A/Director General Atlantic Region
                                   Citizenship and Immigration Canada
                                   Elizabeth Mills, Executive Director, Nova Scotia Office                                of Immigration, and Co-chair Atlantic Population Table

6. 11:30 – 1:00 pm     Lunch Delta Barrington 8th floor Baronet 4-5

7. 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm  Facilitated Afternoon Discussion
                                    Break out groups – Mayors, council chambers –                                  - Economic Development Officers, Halifax Hall

8. 6:00 – 8:30             Reception and Dinner McKelvie’s Restaurant


Friday, April 17, 2009

1. 8:30 - 9:00 AM        Continental Breakfast – Halifax Hall, City Hall

2. 8:55 – 9:00 AM       Group Photo

3. 9:00 – 9:15 AM       Welcome Remarks – Mayor Peter Kelly
4.                                Approval of minutes from AMC meeting
                                   Fredericton, October 23-25, 2008 Tab 1

5.                                Additions and or deletions to the agenda

6.                                Business arising out of the minutes

7. 9:15 – 9:20 AM       Budget Report AMC Chair, Mayor Peter Kelly Tab 2

8. 9:20 – 10:00 AM     FCM update,
                                   Mike Buda, Director of Policy and Research, FCM

9. 10:00 – 10:15 AM   Break

11. 10:15 – 11:30 AM Report from Thursday Economic Symposium
                                   Stephen Dempsey, President and CEO,
                                   Greater Halifax Partnership

12. 11:30 – 12:15 PM  Cultural Awards Program – Andrew Whittimore,
                                    Manager Community Development HRM Tab 3

13. 12:15 – 1:45 PM    Luncheon – Hon. Jack Layton, Leader NDP
                                   Halifax Hall

14. 1:45 – 2:45 PM     Operational Funding for Municipalities –
                                   Mayor Clifford Lee Tab 4

15. 2:45 – 3:15 PM     Sustainability challenges – Andy Fillmore,
                                   Sustainability Initiatives Coordinator HRM Tab 5

16. 3:15 – 3:30 PM     Break

17. 3:30 – 4:30 PM     Trends in Air transportation in Atlantic Canada –
                                   Tom Ruth, CEO Halifax Stanfield International Airport

                                   Tab 6

18. 4:30 PM               Adjournment

19. 6:00 for 6:30       Dinner – Guest speaker Dan McKeen, CEO of Eastlink
Windows Restaurant, WTCC


Saturday, April 18, 2009

1. 8:30 – 9:00 AM      Continental Breakfast – Halifax Hall, City Hall

2. 9:00 –10:30 AM      Roundtable: Regional issues and local Issues as

                                   presented by member municipalities.

3. 10:30 – 10:45        Break

4. 10:45 – 11:30        Effective Intergovernmental Communications

                                  Massimo Bergamini, Interchange Public Affairs Tab 7

5. 11:30 – 12:00        Agenda Building for Charlottetown
                                  Next meeting: October 15-17, 2009 in Charlottetown

6. 12:00 PM               Adjournment


Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.