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Public Service Announcement

HRFE Thanks Volunteer Firefighters during Volunteer Week

(Monday, April 20, 2009) - Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency thanks all of its volunteer firefighters during National Volunteer Week - April 20-24, 2009.

Across HRM, approximately 700 professional and dedicated volunteer firefighters respond to over 4000 emergency calls each year, from medical incidents, natural disasters, public assistance, motor vehicle collisions, brush fires, and structural fires.

Volunteers complete over 120 hours of training per year, including specialized sessions in Driver-Operator, Wild Land Fire Techniques, and First Responder Medical. Volunteers also participate in Fire Prevention and Public Education.

Recruitment campaigns are ongoing. Applications can be picked up from local fire stations or at Headquarters, 3rd floor, Alderney Gate, Dartmouth.

A heart felt thank you to all our volunteers from Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency.

For further information contact:

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Jeanette McPherson
Public Relations & Community Liaison Coordinator
Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency
902-490-6530 or
902-225-7432 (cell)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.