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Media Advisory - Spryfield Fire

News Release - Most residents in the Herring Cove and Purcell's Cove area are now able to return home.

(Friday May 1, 2009)

As of 5:00pm today, all residents evacuated from the Herring Cove and Purcell's Cove area are now able to return to their home with the exception of residents on Fortress Drive, Aarons Way and Oceanview Dr. The residents of Fortress Drive and Aarons Way are being provided an opportunity to visit the site. At 7:00pm this evening there will be a briefing for the residents of Oceanview Dr. Residents in need should continue to contact HRM's call center at 490-4000 and information will continue to be updated at as it is available.

The fire is now under control, however, it is respectfully requested that all non-essential personnel refrain from visiting the area affected by the fire. The residents have been through a very stressful experience and it is important to respect the privacy of those involved. In addition, it is essential that emergency responders have ease of access to the area if necessary.

"I could not be more pleased with collaboration and coordination of all the agencies who came together to respond to this tragedy and who are continuing to care for the many residents that have been impacted," stated Mayor Kelly. "I would also like to congratulate the many staff and volunteers on the front line and behind the scenes for their efforts. It is another example of our community pulling together in a time of need, to go above and beyond the call of duty."


Media Contact:
Michaelyn Thompson
(902) 476-5930

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.