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Community Invited to Comment on Draft Vision
for Penhorn/Woodlawn Area, Dartmouth

(Friday, May 22, 2009) - This Saturday, residents, business owners and all community stakeholders of the Penhorn/Woodlawn area are invited to an open house and a presentation of the Penhorn/Woodlawn draft Vision and Action Plan.

Date:       Saturday, May 23, 2009
Time:       1 - 3 PM (with short presentations at 1 PM and 2 PM)

Location: Penhorn Sobeys, Community Room, Dartmouth

The Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group was formed in September 2008 as part of VisionHRM. VisionHRM is a community-led initiative supported by HRM which gives residents an opportunity to think creatively about what is possible for their community as a whole 10, 15, 20 years into the future.

The CLG was tasked with leading a community engagement process and developing a Vision and Action Plan for the community to help implement the Regional Plan at the community level. The consultation included public forums, workshops, a community-wide survey and consultations with individual community groups.

The community will have two weeks to comment on the draft Vision and Action plan. The final document will be presented to the Regional Plan Advisory Committee and HRM Regional Council for approval and will guide future planning for the area.

For more information visit or e-mail The draft document will be available on-line by Monday, May 25.


Bill Zebedee
Chair, Penhorn/Woodlawn Community Liaison Group

Kasia Tota
HRM Community Developer

David Lane
HRM Senior Planner
490- 5593




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.