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News Release:

Area Rate Not Approved

(Thursday, June 4, 2009) - Residents living in the Parkwest  School catchment area of Clayton Park West, Halifax  have voted against an area  rate (tax) for improvements to the Woodsmere Close/Kingsley Close path near the school.

Mary Wile, Councillor for Clayton Park West (District 10) advises the results of the vote were 234 against the area rate and 109 in favour. As a result of the vote, a motion was passed at the June 1 meeting of the Chebucto Community Council that the improvements to the Woodsmere/Kinglsey Close path will not be area rated.

“I wish to thank residents and members of the Active Safe Routes to School committee of Parkwest School for their contributions and support during this process,” Councillor Wile said.

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Councillor Mary Wile

Tel: 443-2637/476-2048




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.