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Prospect Road Community Centre - Ground Breaking

(Friday, June 12, 2009) - The Community came together today to celebrate the official ground breaking for the Prospect Road Community Centre. "We are pleased to finally break ground and begin construction on this $7.9 million facility said Mayor Peter Kelly. "This building will be a community focal point providing a gathering spot and recreational space for residents of Prospect Road and surrounding area. Infrastructure development is a priority for the Municipality as it has far reaching benefits for all residents. Infrastructure investment helps everyone build strong, healthy communities and strive for a cleaner environment. The Prospect Area Community Centre is an excellent example of this commitment in motion.”

Councillor Reg Rankin was also on hand to participate in the ground breaking and to show his continuing support for this initiative. “This is a great day, a facility of this nature contributes to the overall health and wellness of the region by encouraging more citizens to live healthy and active lives”

“I am so proud of the steering committee and local residents, they have worked tirelessly for a number of years to secure this centre for their community. This will truly be a Place for Everybody, said Barb Allen, chair of the Prospect Road Community Centre Steering Committee. “When completed, this 22,720 square-foot complex will include: a full sized gymnasium; a fitness centre; community centre with meetings rooms; youth centre; café; arts room; and other support services space.”

Funding for this facility is coming from all three levels of Government (Municipal Rural Infrastructure (MRIF) Program, and the B-FIT) a recreation area rate, and community fundraising. With its innovative, environmentally friendly technologies and practices, this facility will be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver standards. Green features will include a geothermal well system for earth source heat/cooling, energy saving lighting technologies, and the use of recycled and local materials.

For more background information on the project visit



Mayor Peter Kelly
Halifax Regional Municipality
Phone: 902-490-4010

Councillor Reg Rankin
Halifax Regional Municipality
Phone: 902-490-4087

Barb Allen
Prospect Road Steering Committee
Phone: 852-4664
Cell: 225-8055

Deanna Wilmshurst
HRM Infrastructure and Asset Management
Phone: 902-490-1454
Cell: 902-476-7602




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.