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Media Invitation

Media invited to attend briefing on Tax Reform Committee recommendations

(Monday, June 22, 2009) - On Tuesday, June 23, the Tax Reform Committee report will be presented to Halifax Regional Council. At this meeting, council will be asked to either proceed with tax reform and move away from the current assessment-based system or end the work of the committee in favour of remaining with the status quo.

Council voted on October 3, 2006 to examine the foundations of the tax system with a view to moving away from assessment-based revenues. A Tax Reform Committee made up of seven citizens and six councillors was struck in late 2006 and has met more than 30 times, held two major series of public consultations and undertaken three public opinion surveys.

In a report that will go before Council’s Committee of the Whole on Tuesday, the Tax Reform Committee makes a number of recommendations. The report and recommendations are available online at:

Alternatively, Council may reject the recommendations and wind down the tax reform process.

Members of the media are invited to a briefing session by the Tax Reform Committee and HRM staff in advance of the Council presentation.

Date:       Tuesday, June 23
Time:       11 a.m. to 12 noon
Location: Media Room, 1st Floor, City Hall



Shaune MacKinlay
Manager, Public Affairs




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.