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Landmark Airplane Sculpture Plans a Return Flight

(Friday, June 26, 2009) - Commuters and residents of west end Halifax may have noticed a familiar landmark missing in recent days.

The airplane monument at Saunders Park on Chebucto Road has been removed for repairs to ensure it will continue to hold its familiar spot for many years to come. The sculpture commemorates the Halifax Municipal Airport that once occupied the land and honours Wing Commander Donald Saunders, airport manager from 1931-1937.

Saunders was considered a Halifax aviation pioneer. He instructed the Halifax Flying Corps from 1928 to 1937, served with the Royal Flying Corps during the First World War from 1914-1918, and with the Royal Canadian Air Force in World War II.

The abstract cast aluminum sculpture, which sits near what was once the airport’s entrance, was installed in the early to mid 1960s. While the sculpture has stood the test of time, its base was beginning to show its years. The concrete base is being removed and the sculpture is being safely stowed until a new base is ready within a couple of weeks.

When the sculpture returns, park visitors and drivers along Chebucto Road may notice the plane shines a little brighter as it is scheduled to undergo a cleaning prior to its return. The plaque that once accompanied the sculpture was stolen before the restoration project, so a new one will be installed when the sculpture returns.

Also, the area around the monument will be restored and landscaped in a way that protects the landmark during grass cutting and other grounds work.
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Shaune MacKinlay
Manager, Public Affairs

Dist. 14 (Connaught-Quinpool) Councillor Jennifer Watts




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