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Public Service Announcement

Outdoor Construction Commencing at the Captain William Spry Centre

(14 August 2009) The Captain William Spry Centre (10 Kidston Road, Halifax) will be beginning construction on upgrades to the exterior of the community centre in the coming days. The construction will be completed in three phases:

The first phase will be the installation of a pedestrian bridge over MacIntosh Run. The full bridge installation is expected to be completed in October.

The second phase of the project will see the creation of a new 6000 square foot skateboard park to be completed in the Fall. Public consultation will assist HRM staff and the contractor in determining the final design of the park. Notice of the consultation meeting will be communicated once the date has been set.

The final phase of the project will involve roadway and entry plaza improvements to the centre. During Fall 2009 and Summer 2010, the centre will see:

• A widening of the Kidston Road entrance to the centre
• New signage installed on Kidston Road
• Accessible parking spaces at the building entrance
• An area for easy pick up and drop off in front of the building
• Improved landscaping

The improvements will create a vibrant and appropriately programmed landscape for everyone. This site was identified in the Herring Cove Streetscape project as a priority. The outdoor green space will be enhanced to provide the community with a site that is visible and accessible, with a greater exterior space for community events, recreation and play.

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Contact: Shaune MacKinlay
HRM Manager of Public Affairs


Terry Gallagher

Coordinator, Capital Projects
(For build and design questions)




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.