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New Physical Activity Strategy Launched for the Halifax Region

(Wednesday, September 16, 2009) Everyone who lives and works in the Halifax region can benefit from more physical activity - and today, a new physical activity strategy was launched that will help them get it.

Today, seven organizations signed onto Stepping Up, and invited other organizations to become involved in a strategy designed to encourage more physical activity in our region.

“Congratulations to this group of committed organizations for stepping up to get people moving,” said Kelly Murumets, President and CEO of ParticipACTION, who attended this morning’s launch event. “We are facing an inactivity crisis in Canada, but if we work together, we can secure a healthier, more active future for our neighbours, our friends and our families.”

Some organizations have already stepped up. The IWK Health Centre, for example, has mapped out indoor and outdoor walking routes for staff, patients and employees. It also pipes music into one major stairwell to encourage people to use the stairs. The Capital District Health Authority offers bicycles and helmets employees can use to get from the VG to the Halifax Infirmary sites.

Other options include installing showers on-site for staff who bike or run to work; installing bike racks for staff, customers or the general public; encouraging walking to meetings; offering free or inexpensive lunchtime fitness classes for employees, or extra time at lunch for employees who want to participate in some form of physical activity.

“This is the first time these health, education and government organizations have come together in this way to address a community issue of this magnitude. We see this as a shared responsibility.,” said Mary Russell, Chair of the Steering Committee that developed the strategy.

“Increasing physical activity is a community wide challenge. The solution rests with all of us working together. It may well be a model for addressing other community issues."

Organizations that pledged to help our region’s residents get physically active today include: Capital District Health Authority; Dalhousie University; Halifax Regional Municipality; Halifax Regional School Board; the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia; IWK Health Centre; and Nova Scotia Health Promotion and Protection.

For more information on how your organization can step up, visit



John Gillis
Capital District Health Authority

Dustin O’Leary
Halifax Regional Municipality




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.