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Public Service Announcement

Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives

(Friday, September 25, 2009) - Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency reminds residents of the importance of installing and maintaining smoke alarms. Working smoke alarms save lives and increase your chances of surviving a house fire. Early detection not only increases your chance of survival, but early detection and notification to the Fire Department may decrease property damage or loss. The Fire Safety Act of Nova Scotia requires working smoke alarms outside of all sleeping areas

During regular inspections and investigations, Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency are finding increased numbers of disabled, or poorly maintained smoke alarms. In many cases smoke alarms have been disabled by removal of batteries, contain dead batteries and in some cases removed from the home altogether.

For more information on smoke alarms, contact the Fire Prevention Division at 490-5546 or visit our web site at

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For further information contact:

Craig MacDonald
Divisional Captain
Fire Prevention




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.