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Phase One of Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility Recovery Underway

(Friday, October 2, 2009) - Halifax Water has begun the phased diversion of wastewater flows through the Halifax Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF).

The introduction of dry weather flows into the facility for screening and odour control commenced earlier this week in a carefully sequenced, controlled manner. As outlined in the Regional Council presentation on September 22nd, the gravity-fed systems on the peninsula have now been introduced, as well as flows from the Pier A pumping station in the south end. The diversion of flows from the Duffus Street pumping station in the north end over the next week will complete the diversion.

Dry weather flows are being diverted to the Halifax WWTF, debris and floatables removed via the coarse and fine screening system, and then discharged through the facility’s existing outfall pipe which extends approximately one kilometre into Halifax Harbour.

“The diversion is proceeding as planned and staff continues to monitor all aspects of the process. This first phase of the restoration effort will bring improved aesthetics in the harbour as well as a significant reduction or elimination of odours,” said Halifax Water General Manager Carl Yates.

This flow diversion is phase one of the effort to fully recover the Halifax facility. Phase two is the final recovery of all processes and systems in the WWTF.

“It has been a long road for residents, staff and Council, but we can now see real progress toward our goal of full operation of the Halifax facility next spring” said Mayor Peter Kelly.

For more information about the Halifax WWTF and the Harbour Solutions Project, visit where newsletters, diagrams, photos, background materials, and answers to frequently asked questions can be found.

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Mayor Peter Kelly:

James Campbell
Communications and Public Relations Coordinator, Halifax Water




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.