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Public Service Announcement

Seaside Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 24, 2009, 11:30 am - 4:00 pm
Fisherman's Cove / The Boardwalk, Eastern Passage

(Friday, October 9, 2009) - Brought to you by HRM, Councillor Jackie Barkhouse, MLA Becky Kent, The Centre for Arts and Technology, Seaside FM, Russell Lake Sobeys, Century 21

Local Musical Entertainers:

11:30 - 12 Korean Drum Band
12 - 1 - Kim Wempe
1 - 2 - The Repurcussionists
2 - 3 - Steven Bowers
3 - 4 - Telfer

Farmers Market, Mask Decorating, Corn Boil, Local Artist Displays, Charter Boat Tours, Interactive NS Sea School Activities, Halifax Parkour Activities, Mobile Art Wall, Storytelling, brought to you by Century 21, Scavenger Hunt, Pumpkin Carving, brought to you by Russell Lake Sobeys, Bean Supper…

…and many other exciting surprises like…

Pirate Costume Contest, please come dressed!
Costumes will be judged according to age categories.
Ages 6 and under, 7 - 12, 13 and over.

This October, the Seaside Harvest Festival will be hosting the 1st Annual Scarecrow Decorating Contest, and we would like to encourage residents to consider decorating their front yards or storefronts with creative scarecrow displays!

If you are interested in participating, please pick up and return a registration form to one of the following locations, before the October 15th deadline.-
* Fisherman’s Cove Administration Office, 30 Government Wharf Road
* Impressions Hair Salon, 31 Cow Bay Road
* Tallahassee Recreation Centre, 168 Redoubt Way

To be involved in any of these activities, such as the art display, or for further information please call 490-5739.

For more information, please contact:

Colleen Connolly
Cultural Events / Film Liaison
Halifax Regional Municipality
PO Box 1749, Halifax, NS
Phone - 902-490-5739
Fax - 902-490-5950
Email -




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.