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Public Service Announcement

Public Gardens to stay open for November

(Tuesday, November 10, 2009) - The Halifax Public Gardens will keep its gates open a little longer this year, provided Mother Nature cooperates.

In response to a public desire to extend the Gardens season, HRM Parks and Open Spaces staff will keep the Gardens open to the public until the end of November, weather dependent. If there are significant amounts of snow and ice the Gardens will have to close.

The Gardens generally close their gates between November 12 and the Mother’s Day weekend, but in recent years residents have expressed their desire to visit the Gardens later into the year. The Gardens can not be opened year round because sand and salt is not appropriate for use on the pathways as it would create run-off into flower beds, lawns, and ponds.



Shaune MacKinlay
Manager, Public Affairs
Halifax Regional Municipality
(902) 490-6531




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.