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First Design Review Committee Members Named

(Wednesday, November 25, 2009) - Last evening, Halifax Regional Council approved the first members of the newly established Design Review Committee, which will be responsible for reviewing development applications in downtown Halifax.

An expression of interest for the new committee issued in late August yielded a high number of well qualified applicants. Final recommendations for the first sitting members were put forward by the HRM Membership Selection Committee chaired by Mayor Kelly.

“The tremendous response to this call for volunteers underscores the community’s commitment to our downtown,” said Mayor Kelly. “The specialized knowledge and experience of this Committees’ members will benefit the heart of HRM through their work on future downtown development.”

Members of the new Design Review Committee represent the professions of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, and structural engineering. Additionally the Committee has three citizen at large positions, for which no design experience is required.

Design Review Committee members will ensure that all development applications are consistent with the building and public space design guidelines contained in the new Design Manual, which came into effect in October.

Design Review Committees are increasingly being used in other Canadian municipalities as a means of ensuring the highest quality of architecture and public space design.

Members of HRM’s first Design Review Committee are: William Hyde (architect), Terry Smith-Lamothe (architect), Ramzi Kawar (architect), Anne Sinclair (architect), Sue Sirrs (landscape architect), Angela Dean (landscape architect), Nick Pryce (city planner), Roy McBride (structural engineer), Cesar Saleh (professional at large), Alan Parish (citizen at large), and Jeff Pinhey (citizen at large).

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Mayor Peter Kelly

HRMbyDesign Project Manager
Andy Fillmore




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.