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Harbour Water Quality In Herring Cove Soon To Improve

(Friday, December 11/09) - For the first time in decades the harbour water in Herring Cove will be clearer, and of course cool, for the annual Polar Bear dip.

As early as next week, wastewater flows are expected to be diverted to the Harbour Solutions Project, Herring Cove Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF).

The Herring Cove WWTF has been testing systems with fresh water for the last few weeks and is now preparing to introduce wastewater flows as part of the commissioning phase of the facility.

Councillor Steve Adams said, "The Herring Cove facility will help bring our cove back to residents and restore a valuable community recreation and fishing asset. While I may not take the plunge New Year's day, the summer is looking good."

The Herring Cove WWTF is the smallest of the three Harbour Solutions Project's wastewater treatment facilities, as it serves a small population base and only treats sanitary sewage. Stormwater flows, such as rain, snow melt and other surface run-off, which do not require treatment, are diverted from the WWTF via the separated storm and sanitary sewer system servicing the facility. This reduces the load on the facility allowing for its reduced size.

In Halifax, Phase 1 of the recovery is complete, the system is diverting two times the dry-weather flows to the facility, and floatables are being screened. Phase 2, which will see the full recovery in spring 2010, is well underway.

The Dartmouth WWTF, which is in the final stages of commissioning, has been treating flows since July 2008.

For more information on the Harbour Solutions Project visit or



Carl Yates, General Manager
Halifax Water




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.