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HRM’s LED Streetlighting Project Shines Light on Environment

(Thursday, February 4, 2010) - A recent pilot project in the municipality that saw existing streetlight fixtures replaced with LED technology is seeing significant savings, working towards HRM’s commitment of reducing greenhouse gases by 20 per cent by 2012.

“The economic, environmental and aesthetic benefits already seen from this technology are very promising,” says Mayor Peter Kelly. “We’re encouraged by the initial results.”

Since installing the LED streetlight technology, light levels have been maintained with a reduction to energy consumption exceeding 50 per cent. In addition, the full cut-off design provides significant reductions to light pollution.

“This pilot project has provided HRM with first-hand exposure to potential alternatives to the existing high-pressure sodium streetlights,” further commented Mayor Kelly. “The robustness of the fixtures, the light quality and distribution, the favourable feedback and significant energy savings have provided great support for a larger-scale investment.”

LED Roadway Lighting provided the technology that replaced the streetlights located on Robie St, Dunbrack St, Barrington St, South St, Hollis St, Main Ave, Leeds St, Henry St, University Ave, Lakeland Blvd, Hammonds Plains Rd, Bedford Hwy, Forest Hills Pkwy and Ash Lake Ct.

The LED lights are replacing existing 70 watt, 100 watt, 150 watt and 250 watt HPS (High Pressure Sodium) fixtures and reduce energy consumption by an average of 60 per cent. The project will eliminate 145 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) annually. Conversion of all HRM’s 40,000 street lights to LED fixtures would reduce GHGs by 12,562 tonnes per year.

As part of the pilot program, streetlighting calculations were conducted to ensure that the new lights provided the required light levels to meet the same public safety standards as the existing HPS fixtures.

The project was funded by LED Roadway Lighting Ltd., the federal Eco-Trust Program, Conserve Nova Scotia, Natural Resources Canada, Nova Scotia Power and HRM.

On January 26, Regional Council approved the final $3.35 million in HRM applications for Eco Trust funds, with the understanding that further Council approvals will be required as projects unfold if applications are successful.

The Eco Trust request for the LED streetlight replacement program is $870,000 to replace 2,208 HPS streetlight fixtures. HRM funding is $670,000, with a potential $200,000 to be provided by a Nova Scotia Power assistance program.

Mayor Kelly concluded, stating “that over the last five years, HRM has completed $6.8 million in energy efficiency projects which has resulted in savings of $1.2 million per year and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 10,000 tonnes per year.”


Mayor Peter Kelly
(902) 490-4010

Angus Doyle, Manager, Utilities Coordination
HRM Traffic & Right of Way Services
(902) 490-5019




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.