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Public Meeting Notice

Presentation of Draft Birch Cove Waterfront Area Master Plan

(Wednesday, March 10, 2010) - Residents and stakeholders are invited to attend a public meeting on March 22 for the presentation of the draft Birch Cove Waterfront Area Master Plan. The plan charts the future re-development of the Birch Cove Area in the vicinity of the Kearney Lake Road/Bedford Highway, including much of the surrounding waterfront area around the Chinatown Restaurant.

Halifax Regional Municipality and Waterfront Development Corporation initiated the planning process in March 2009. A steering committee comprised of community residents, property owners and developers was formed to oversee the process and make recommendations to Regional Council. A consulting team was also engaged to assist in the design work.

Public consultations to date have included a workshop and online survey to gather ideas and a presentation of three design alternatives in June 2009. The preferred alternative design is being presented at the meeting.

Date:       Monday, March 22, 2010
Time:       7 p.m.
Location: St. Peter's Anglican Church, 3 Dakin Drive, Halifax

In the event of snow storm, the meeting will take place on Thursday, March 25, 7 p.m. at École Beaubassin, 54 Larry Uteck Blvd.

The complete re-development of the area is expected to take at least 10 years but the plan and associated policies will guide the placement, mix, style, and scale of development and open space as it develops over the next decade.

To learn more, visit or contact Paul Morgan at 490-4482 or or Terry Drisdelle at 422-5115, extension 109 or

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Paul Morgan
HRM Senior Planner




Above content last modified Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 4:06pm.