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Construction of Fallen Peace Officers Monument Begins

(Tuesday, July 27, 2010) - To honour the memories of those who have lost their lives in the line of duty, the Nova Scotia Fallen Peace Officers Monument has begun in Grand Parade. The 14-foot triumphal arch design is being erected in front of City Hall.

Halifax Regional Municipality Mayor Peter Kelly called the monument a tribute to those who have died and also a mark of the respect in which the community holds peace officers everywhere.

"These gallant men and women put themselves in harm's way every day," he said. "It is fitting that we honour their sacrifice in this manner."

In 2005, the Nova Scotia Peace Officers Association was formed to recognize and pay tribute to provincial police and peace officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The monument was an association priority. While other locations were reviewed, the Grand Parade was chosen as a site given its unique, military and police history. Regional Council approved the site for the monument's location in September 2007.

“The historical connection to this location is clear,” Chief of Halifax Regional Police Frank Beazley said. “The police station - including the cells - were at one point housed in the basement of City Hall. There is a very long history connecting peace officers and their service to City Hall and the parade square. Prior to a municipal police force, the peace keepers were the military police who are also historically connected to the Grand Parade.”

Preliminary work began earlier this year including construction of the base, removal of existing staging, excavation of the site, and pouring of the foundation for the monument. Local artist Cody Lee Stevenson is the designer and artistic advisor to the project.

Safety construction fencing will be installed. There will be limited pedestrian traffic interruption. Work is scheduled to run over a six-week period. The first phase of construction will restrict pedestrian and vehicle access to the two lanes on either side of the flag pole until August 15.  The walkways on the Argyle and Barrington Street sides of Grand Parade will remain open to pedestrian traffic. As well, the Tunes at Noon performance sessions will continue as scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, from noon until 1 pm.

The Association is composed of representatives from HRM, Nova Scotia Department of Justice, Nova Scotia Government Employees Union, Nova Scotia Chiefs of Police, RCMP "H" Division, Police Association of Nova Scotia, Municipal Association of Police Personnel, and Halifax Regional Police.

For more information on the monument, please visit:

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Mayor Peter Kelly
Halifax Regional Municipality

Frank Beazley, O.O.M.
Chief, Halifax Regional Police

Dr. Cynthia Chenard, Chair
NS Fallen Peace Officer Association

Jamie MacLellan
HRM Cultural Affairs




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.