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HRM Issues RFP for Unique Downtown Development Opportunity

(January 27, 2011) The first of the three HRM-owned lots available for sale in the Spring Garden Rd. area is on the market. This site, located in one of downtown’s most appealing and vibrant mixed-use areas, represents a unique development opportunity.

Releasing this property for development is a critical component of Regional Council’s approved funding plan for the Central Library. The sale of the sites is also a pilot for HRM’s innovative new Opportunity Sites Task Force. A part of Council’s “Capital Ideas”, the initiative’s purpose is to develop vacant publicly-owned downtown lands in order to create a more attractive, vibrant city and increased economic activity downtown.

The three Spring Garden area development opportunities have been branded the “Sister Sites” in reference to three daughters of the Schmidt family who lived in the adjacent Schmidtville neighborhood 140 years ago. The site referred to as “Mary Ann” at Queen and Clyde streets is the first of the properties to be offered for development. Release of “Margaretta” at Clyde Street and Dresden Row, and “Rosina” on the Queen Street site of the old Infirmary hospital will follow over the next few years.

The Municipality is seeking, through a bid process, proponents that are prepared to purchase and undertake the timely development of the property in accordance with the design-focused policies and vision of the HRMbyDesign Downtown Halifax plan.

For more information and to view the RFP visit



Peter Stickings
Manager, Real Estate and Facility Services

Peter Bigelow
Manager, Real Property Planning

Andy Fillmore
Urban Design Project Manager





Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.