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HRM Presents at Senate Committee on Energy

(Tuesday, March 1, 2011) – HRM presented at a public hearing yesterday hosted by theFederal Senate Committee on Energy, the Environment and Natural Resources. Key points from the presentation included the importance of energy to the local economy and the need to use domestic and local sources. HRM residents and business consume $1.5 billion in energy, over 60% of which leaves the local economy. Energy efficiency initiatives, the municipality’s use of renewables- namely geothermal and solar, the Solar City Project, the Alderney 5 project, and the success of HRM’s sustainable financing strategy for energy efficiency were all used to highlight the strong role municipalities have to play in achieving local energy, economic and environmental sustainability.

A link to the presentation can be found on HRM’s website at:

For more information on HRM’s Solar City Project and its many other energy efficiency initiatives, please visit:



Julian Boyle, Energy Auditor
Infrastructure and Asset Management, HRM

Richard MacLellan
Manager, Sustainable Environment Management Office, HRM




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.