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(Thursday, February 10, 2011) Halifax, NS - Metro Transit is proud to support the Halifax 2011 Canada Games! Regular Metro Transit routes serve all 11 HRM Games venues, so park your car and let us bring you to the Games!

Canada Games volunteers and athletes have free access to all Metro Transit services from February 10 - 27 inclusive by showing their accreditation badge upon boarding the bus or ferry.

Free access to transit from February 11 - 27 is also extended to anyone with a full event 'Games Pass' for both weeks of competition.

The Alderney Ferry will provide additional evening service for the Canada Games opening ceremony at the Halifax Metro Centre, as well as for two special concerts being held at Celebration Square, as follows:

-Friday, February 11: extended 15-minute service until 11:45 pm
-Saturday, February 19: 15-minute service from 5 pm - 11:45 pm
-Saturday, February 26: 15-minute service from 5 pm - 11:45 pm

The Woodside Ferry will maintain regular service throughout the Games.

Look for the special ‘Get on board for the Games’ brochure, available on board buses and ferries, at 54 local retail outlets, and the HRM Customer Service Centres for your transit guide to the Canada Games venues.

For more information on how to take transit to the Games, visit or contact the HRM Call Centre at 490-4000.

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Lori Patterson
Metro Transit




Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.