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HRM and Waterfront Development Corporation to Showcase Dartmouth Design Initiatives
(April 15, 2011) - Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) and Waterfront Development Corporation Limited (WDCL) will host a public open house on Wednesday, April 20th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Alderney Landing in the market area. The event will highlight various planning and design initiatives currently underway in Downtown Dartmouth. They are listed below.
Dartmouth View Planes - Regional Council has initiated a review of the designated viewplanes from the Dartmouth Common and Brightwood Golf Course. This event will provide an opportunity for the public to participate in the process by evaluating various views from the Common. Based on public feedback, a ranking of views will then be developed to determine protection priority.
WDCL Lands - WDCL owns a 1.3-acre site (WDC-1) behind the Royal Bank Building on Portland Street. The property is bound by Prince Street, King Street and Alderney Drive. The corporation has prepared a number of preliminary development concepts for the site and is seeking feedback from the community to assist with selecting a preferred redevelopment scheme for the property. Visit for more information.
Urban Design - HRM Urban Design staff will have information on principles for building and streetscape design in the urban core and how these can be applied in Downtown Dartmouth.
Parkland & Active Transportation - HRM Staff representing Real Property Planning and Regional Trails will present information on current planning and design initiatives for various parkland and trails including the Common, Sullivan’s Pond and the Harbourfront Trail.
Shubenacadie Canal Greenway - Members of the Shubenacadie Canal Commission will present information on plans for improvements to the historic canal and Starr Manufacturing sites along Prince Albert Rd.
Dartmouth Cove Comprehensive Planning Study - Information showing the boundaries of the study area and proposed steps to be included in the study will be available for review and discussion.
Kelly Rose
Waterfront Development Corporation
422-5115, ext. 111
Mitch Dickey
HRM, Regional & Community Planning