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HRM Responds to Cancellation of O’Neill Cold Water Classic 2011 Event

(Friday, June 10, 2011) – The cancellation of the O’Neill Cold Water Classic Event for 2011 in HRM will mean funds extended to the event from HRM will remain with the municipality.

“The O’Neill Surf Classic is welcome to bring their proposal forward again next year and we will give it due consideration at that time,” said Mayor Peter Kelly. “The waves will still be there if they want to consider our unique location for 2012.”

Councillor Sue Uteck, Chair of the Special Events Advisory Committee said the decision to postpone this year’s event is understandable under the circumstances.

"While we are disappointed we understand O’Neill's decision. We are all interested in promoting a world class event and the decision is prudent in light of the tight time frame," she said.

O’Neill made its announcement earlier today, citing a short planning window to properly prepare for a high level surfing competition. HRM had approved an event grant of $145,000 from the Marketing Levy Special Events Reserve with the provision that O’Neill and HRM staff work with the local surfing community in the planning of the event.

Also included in the Council motion was that O’Neill and HRM staff make every effort minimize environmental impacts to the host community.


Mayor Peter Kelly
Councillor Sue Uteck



Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.