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Atlantic Mayors’ Congress to meet in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, NL

Hotel North Two

Tuesday September 20 to Thursday September 22, 2011


Halifax, September 15, 2011 -- Mayors from Atlantic Canada’s largest municipalities will sit down in Happy Valley-Goose Bay NL next week with an agenda of pressing issues, the most crucial being finding ways to ease the annual tax burden on property owners.


The mayors, members of the Atlantic Mayors’ Congress, will be looking to identify revenue sources other than those based on property assessment to help cover the soaring costs of replacing aging infrastructure. Professor Wade Locke of the Harris Institute at Memorial University will outline his recent study into the impact of Newfoundland and Labrador sharing a small percent of either income tax or sales tax with municipalities.


Ron Bowles, Assistant Deputy Minister of Labrador Affairs for the government of Newfoundland and Labrador will discuss the implications of the Strategic Northern Plan for all of the Atlantic Region. With a land mass twice as large (269, 000 sq kms) as the three maritime provinces combined, Labrador’s wealth of natural resources will play a significant role in the future development of Atlantic Canada.


On Thursday, the mayors will hear an up-to-the-moment progress report on the Lower Churchill Hydro Electric Development from Nalcor Vice President Gilbert Bennett.  Mayors expect the economic impacts of both the development of the project and the hydro power will benefit communities throughout the Atlantic Provinces.  The resulting 824 megawatts will protect the environment by replacing electricity produced with a carbon footprint.


The mayors are invited for a tour of CFB Goose Bay on Thursday Afternoon.  Base Commander Andrew Flemming will speak about the economic and cultural impacts of a Canadian Forces base on the community.


The mayors will issue an update news release each day, at the conclusion of their meetings.  

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For further information or to arrange an interview:

Chairperson Mayor Basil Stewart – 902-888-7982

Host Mayor Leo Abbass = 709-897-4480

Mayor Peter Kelly – 902-222-9999





Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.