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Public Service Announcement

We Need Your Brilliance With These Cole Harbour Basin Projects

Monday, Nov. 28, 2011 - At a recent public engagement session participants identified a number of projects in the Cole Harbour Basin Area which need additional public input. Please join us to provide your input into specific upcoming projects and plans for open spaces across your region. Your voice now can influence the open spaces for future generations. We need your brilliance!

Public open space affects everybody. There are green parks, conservation areas, blue streams, rivers, lakes, estuaries, grey streets and sidewalks to consider. The public is invited to continue the conversation about open spaces in the area of the Cole Harbour, Westphal, Lawrencetown and Cow Bay communities, collectively known as the Cole Harbour Basin.

When: Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011
6:15 p.m. - social
7- 9 p.m. - public conversation and consultation

Where: Cole Harbour Place - Westphal Room

For more information please visit or

Can’t attend the session? Watch the session live or later at:


Councillor Lorelei Nicoll
Cell: 478-2705

Vice Chair

Councillor David Hendsbee

Cell: 478-0705

Councillor Jackie Barkhouse

Cell: 476-5601




Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.