News Release
Will Not Proceed to Construction of a Stadium to Meet FIFA Timeline
(Tuesday, March 27, 2012) - Regional Council voted today to not proceed with a construction phase for a stadium. A stadium has been under consideration for the past year as part of a bid process to become the host city for the 2014 and 2015 FIFA Women's' World Cup events.
Also included in the motion were the following items:
- An agreement that the Mayor, on behalf of Council, will write to the Canadian Soccer Association to thank them for their ongoing interest in HRM.
- Approval of the Phase 2 Stadium Analysis report as the basis of the requirement for a stadium, and that the project be included on the Capital Plan as a future consideration.
- Direct staff, as an option, to work with Canada Lands Company to explore the future siting of a recreation/sports facility at Shannon Park.
Mayor Peter Kelly expressed his disappointment with the outcome, but remained optimistic.
"We had a solid business case, support from the community, and we worked hard to create the right conditions for success but at the end of the day we need the support of partners to make it happen," said the Mayor. "While now may not be the right time, I believe a stadium is in HRM's future."
On December 6, 2011, Council maintained its commitment to a stadium and directed staff to request an extension from the Canadian Soccer Association to allow additional time for staff to confirm partnership funding sources and begin negotiations with property owners for a potential stadium site before a decision was to be made on moving ahead with construction.
Phase 1 and 2 of the Stadium Analysis Project took place between March and December 2011. During that time, the Stadium Analysis Steering Committee compiled information and presented Regional Council with a vision, preliminary design, possible site, capital cost and funding formula in order to determine whether to proceed to develop a stadium. Public consultation for Phase 2 included four public meetings, as well as an online survey and phone survey.
The citizen-led Steering Committee was selected by Council in March 2011 to serve as the public face of the project for the community and to develop and make recommendations to Council on the stadium relative to achieving the FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 minimum standards. To read the reports of the Steering Committee and HRM staff, visit
Mayor Peter Kelly
Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.