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Media Advisory

Bissett Trail official opening, Saturday, April 20

Friday, April 19, 2013 (Halifax, NS) – The Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association (CHPTA) is inviting residents to join Mayor Mike Savage, District 4 Councillor Lorelei Nicoll, and representatives from the federal and provincial governments and the Trans Canada Trail, tomorrow, April 20, to officially open the newest section of the Trans Canada Trail in Cole Harbour.

When: Saturday, April 20, 2013, 2 p.m.

Where: Colby Village side of the new Bissett Brook Bridge (trail entrance between 256 and 264 Colby Drive)

Parking will be available at Bissett Lake Park (corner of Colby and Greenwich Drive).

Following the ceremony, participants can view displays on CHPTA projects for the area, tour the site and enjoy refreshments.

The Bissett Trail is being built with funding assistance from HRM, the Province of Nova Scotia and the Trans Canada Trail.

For more information on the event and the CHPTA, visit

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Media contact:

Tiffany Chase
HRM Communications

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.