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Press Release - 2013

Public Service Announcement

Emergency Preparedness Week – May 5-11

(Monday, May 6, 2013) – It’s Emergency Preparedness Week May 5-11. Do you know how to get information during an emergency?

If you suddenly find yourself in the midst of an emergency in HRM there are several ways to stay informed. If you have internet access, check out the official HRM website ( or the HRM Twitter feed (@hfxgov). Timely, relevant, and succinct updates will be posted there.

If you don’t have internet access or it’s not available during an emergency, the radio frequency 107.7 on the FM dial will provide regular updates, as well as on most local radio stations.

HRM’s 3-1-1 service will also be utilized to ensure the most up to date information is just a phone call away. Please keep in mind that’s the number you call if you need an update. Call 9-1-1 if you see an actual emergency or dangerous situation developing.


Barry Manuel, EMO Coordinator
Halifax Regional Municipality

Media Contact:
Brendan Elliott
HRM Communications



Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.