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Public Service Announcement


Free Alderney Ferry service on Canada Day

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 (Halifax, NS) – Metro Transit is pleased to offer free Alderney Ferry service on Monday, July 1, to accommodate the thousands of residents and visitors expected to attend Canada Day events being held in downtown Halifax and Dartmouth. In lieu of a fare, Metro Transit is asking passengers to help support FEED NOVA SCOTIA by bringing a non-perishable food or cash donation. FEED NOVA SCOTIA staff and volunteers will be onsite at the ferry terminals to collect any donations.

The Alderney Ferry will operate on a load and go basis all day on July 1 beginning at 7:30 a.m., with the last trip expected to depart Halifax at 1:45 a.m.

Metro Transit encourages Canada Day revellers to take advantage of this free service and let them do the driving this year. Metro Transit buses will be operating on Holiday/Sunday service, with the exception of MetroLink, MetroX 330 Tantallon/Sheldrake Lake, routes #401 Porters Lake and #402 Sambro, which will not be in service. The Woodside Ferry will also not be in service on Canada Day. Regular transit fares apply for bus service on Canada Day.

Official HRM Canada Day events will be taking place all weekend long from Friday, June 28 to Monday, July 1, in celebration of Canada’s 146th birthday. Don’t miss the annual Alderney Landing concert headlined by Juno nominees the Tokyo Police Club, and featuring Gloryhound, Paper Lions, The Elwins, and Dezza. There will also be a special performance by Skratch Bastid following the Canada Day fireworks to be launched from Halifax Harbour at 10 p.m.

For more information and a complete list of Canada Day events and schedules visit, call 490-6394, follow HRM civic events on Twitter @hfxcivicevents or on Facebook at

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Media contact:

Tiffany Chase
HRM Communications



Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.