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HRM launches new online community engagement tool

Tuesday, September 3, 2013 (Halifax, NS) – Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) today launched a new community engagement tool that provides innovative and more flexible options for residents to share their thoughts on HRM initiatives.

The Shape Your City Halifax Community Engagement Hub will increase opportunities for meaningful dialogue with residents. Consistent with HRM’s Community Engagement Strategy, and building upon the Municipality’s growing social media presence, this engagement tool takes online interaction to an important new level. 

“I’m pleased to welcome the addition of this innovative online tool to our website,” said Mayor Mike Savage on behalf of Regional Council. “This is another important step we’re taking at HRM to be more inclusive by increasing dialogue with residents about initiatives that affect them.”

“The Community Engagement Hub reflects our commitment to increase opportunities for citizen participation which in turn helps strengthen community connectedness, improve collaboration and better inform the decisions being made about HRM’s future,” added Mayor Savage.

HRM’s Shape Your City Halifax Community Engagement Hub will be used to host information, feedback, and discussions regarding initiatives HRM has identified as having a public engagement component.

HRM secured the services of a third-party software provider, SustaiNet, to develop and deliver an online engagement hub tailored to meet the specific needs of HRM. SustaiNet provides ongoing technology support as well as 24/7 moderation of the online discussions.

The first project to be hosted on the new engagement hub is the Metro Transit Five-Year Service Plan. In addition to background material on the project and a schedule for public meetings, the site also features an online discussion forum, a survey with embedded videos, and interactive questions and answers.

Another initiative that will soon be highlighted on the site is the Solid Waste Strategy Review. This project is in the initial stages of the consultation process and in the coming days HRM plans to activate the engagement hub to share information and garner feedback regarding this important initiative.

Residents interested in participating in the latest option for community engagement are encouraged to visit and register.


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Media contact:

Brendan Elliott
HRM Communications



Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.