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Public Service Announcement

Margeson Drive Extension and Bridge Preliminary Design Open House

Tuesday, October 14, 2013 (Halifax, NS) - HRM will be holding an open house for residents and interested parties to view a preliminary design of the Margeson Drive road extension and bridge, Thursday, October 17 from 4 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Sackville Heights Community Centre. HRM staff will be available to answer questions.

When: Thursday, October 17 from 4 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Where: Sackville Heights Community Centre, 45 Connolly Road, Lower Sackville, N.S.

The extension of Margeson Drive and the bridge will ultimately connect Trunk 1 (Sackville Drive) in Middle Sackville to Lucasville Road.

These designs are preliminary. It is anticipated that detailed design of the bridge and road will be completed in in 2014, with construction of the road extension and bridge potentially to begin in 2015 as part of HRM’s five year capital plan and with Regional Council approval.


Media Contact:
Janet Bryson
HRM Communications



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