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Westmount Remembrance Signage unveiling

Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013 (Halifax, NS) – HRM citizens and the media are invited to a special event this Friday (Nov. 8) that will symbolically unite today’s youth with the heroic memories of 10 young men who died on duty with the Canadian and British forces in the Second World War.

All of the streets in the Westmount subdivision are presently named after local airmen and soldiers who fought and lost their lives in the Second World War. The history of these men and their significance to this neighbourhood will soon receive a special honour on designated street signs.

New Cultural District signs with the words ‘Lest We Forget’ and the universally recognized poppy will be placed on blades directly above the current street name plate signs.

The fallen servicemen being recognized include:

  • Lieut. Edward Francis Arab
  • Flying Officer George Alfred Osborne Dauphinee
  • Lieut. George Wharton Dauphinee
  • Cpl. Ralph William Devlin
  • P/O (P) John Drummond Fergusson
  • Gunner Lloyd Fox
  • Lieut. William Gordon Hunt
  • Capt. Peter Innes Lowe
  • Pilot Officer Robert Wakely David Murphy
  • Flying Officer Douglas A. Smith

There have been two Cultural District initiatives approved by HRM. Name plates went up last year in the historic Irishtown district of Halifax.

Given that the idea for this year’s project came from students, it’s fitting that the new street blades be unveiled at the local school, Westmount Elementary.

HRM has teamed up with the school to hold a special Remembrance Day service in the school gym on Friday from 11:15-noon.

Attending the event will be: Retired Rear Admiral Barry Keeler, a resident of the neighbourhood; Sydney Dumaresq, son of the architect and city planner of Westmount Subdivision; a few descendants of some of the servicemen; staff from HRM’s civic addressing division; area Councillor Linda Mosher; and nine students who will read biographies of the men after whom the streets are named.

When: Friday, Nov. 8, 2013
Where: Westmount Elementary (6700 Edward Arab Ave.)

For more information on this event and also HRM’s overall Cultural District initiative, go to


Media Contact:

Brendan Elliott
HRM Communications


Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.