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Public Service Announcement

Fire Prevention Week – Watch what you heat!

Monday, October 7, 2013 (Halifax NS) – Fire Prevention week is October 6-12. This year’s theme is “Prevent Kitchen Fires”.

Unattended cooking is a major cause of home fires. And most – if not all – of these fires are preventable with just a few simple safety precautions.

It is important when cooking to turn off the stove if you are distracted for any reason – telephone, TV, doorbell, children, pets, or anything else that forces you to look away from the stove.

The following tips are recommended for safety in the kitchen:

  • Never deep fry fat on the stove top. It literally takes just a few minutes for a pot of oil on the stove to catch fire. Most vegetable oils have a smoking point at around 450-degrees Fahrenheit, while animal fats like lard will start smoking at around 375-degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Keep a lid nearby – small fires on the stove can be smothered by sliding a lid over the pan/pot.
  • Keep a one metre (3-foot) “kids-free” zone around the stove.
  • Turn pot handles away from the stove’s edge.
  • Use the stove’s back burners to ensure hot pots and pans are out of reach for young children.
  • Appliance cords should be coiled and kept away from counter edges.

For more on fire prevention:

Media Contact:

Dave Burnet
Division Chief – Fire prevention
Halifax Fire & Emergency

Brendan Elliott
Corporate Communications


Above content last modified Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 4:36pm.