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Public Service Announcement

Sullivan’s Pond geese heading off to their winter home

Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013 (Halifax, NS) – The popular geese at Dartmouth’s Sullivan’s Pond are moving tomorrow morning (Friday, Dec. 6) to their winter home in Seaforth.

Volunteers with the Hope for Wildlife Society will transport the 13 Embden Geese to the animal sanctuary, where they will receive daily care under the watchful eye of trained professionals.

Most of the geese spent last winter at Sullivan’s Pond but it was felt due to our unpredictable winters and the unmonitored food supply that the birds are better off in a sheltered and controlled environment.

The Hope for Wildlife Society took one goose under its care last winter after it experienced some distress on icy portions of the pond.

This winter at the one-acre fenced-in field operated by the Hope for Wildlife Society all the geese will be protected from the elements by having access to two shelters, and will also receive daily meals prepared exclusively for the birds.

The geese are flightless and their ability to search for food is limited so they have come to rely on food supplied by HRM. Last winter at Sullivan’s Pond HRM discovered food left for the geese was also eaten by gulls and unwanted vermin.

As an added bonus, the domesticated Sullivan’s Pond geese will share the winter in Seaforth with the two geese from the Halifax Public Gardens.

As a thank you for the care provided by the wildlife society, HRM will make a donation to the non-profit society to cover the costs associated with watching over the geese this winter.


Media Contact:

Brendan Elliott
Senior Communications Advisor
HRM Communications

Hope Swinimer
Hope for Wildlife Society

Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.