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Public Service Announcement

HRM’s Annual Street Cleaning Program Will Begin April 14th

Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (Halifax, NS) – The Halifax Regional Municipality wants to advise residents that, weather permitting, the annual Street Cleaning Program will go into effect on Peninsular Halifax on Monday, April 14. Parking restrictions to facilitate the street cleaners will go into effect at the same time.

HRM’s Municipal Operations team delivers a substantial street cleaning program to wash away any remaining salt and brine, and to ensure the streets are kept reasonably clear of debris for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. As a preventative measure, the program also helps decrease the amount of debris and sediment entering the storm drain system.

The program includes weekly, scheduled routes on Peninsular Halifax and is in effect between April and November. Other streets within the HRM core area are done to a service standard of no less than three times per year.

Street cleaning on Peninsular Halifax takes place on weekdays between the hours of 12:05 a.m. and 8 a.m., to minimize the impact on daytime traffic and parking. All other areas scheduled for street cleaning are completed during daytime hours.

HRM advises residents to find off-street parking on the days their neighbourhood is being serviced. If not, their vehicles may be ticketed. Crews cycle through the neighbourhoods, so residents should refer to on-street parking signage for their service day.

This street cleaning program is not affiliated with HRM’s Curbside Giveaway weekends, organized by Solid Waste Resources. Residents are asked to not leave their unwanted items for the street cleaners, as they will not be collected. Instead, residents can participate in the Curbside Giveaway on the weekends of June 7th and 8th and Oct. 18th and 19th, when reusable items are placed at the curb for others to pick up and use, rather than have them end up in the landfill.

HRM also provides year-round collection of one large bulky item, such as a piece of furniture, every garbage collection day. The Otter Lake Waste Processing & Disposal Facility also accepts excess bags of garbage from residents, for a fee.

Due to snow and ice coverage through the winter months, HRM’s Street Cleaning Program ceases from about mid-November until the spring. Although there is no scheduled winter program, the cleaning equipment is kept operational in the event that crews need to respond to an urgent clean-up, such as a motor vehicle accident, gravel spills or oil spill remediation.

For more information on HRM’s Street Cleaning Program, please visit


Media Contact:
Jennifer Stairs
HRM Communications


Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.