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Register for Free Skating Lessons
Thursday, Dec. 4, 2014 (Halifax, NS) – Residents are invited to register for the Halifax Regional Municipality’s free skating lessons at the Emera Oval starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 10.
The Canadian Tire Jumpstart “I Love to Skate” classes are designed to teach recreational ice skating in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. Our friendly, enthusiastic staff members help create a fun environment for participants of all ages to learn how to skate.
This year participants are required to register for lessons. Those interested can register online or call the Registration Line at 902-490-6666. Classes begin on Jan. 10, 2015.
All skaters participating in lessons must wear a helmet. All helmets must be CSA-approved multi-impact. Hockey helmets with a face mask offer the best protection against injury. Bicycle helmets are not permitted.
The Emera Oval does lend skating equipment, including helmets, onsite. Please remember that a photo ID is required to borrow equipment.
If you plan to borrow skates or a helmet, please ensure you leave yourself enough time to collect those items before your lesson. Parents and guardians need to stay onsite when children are participating in skating lessons. If you are signing up for the Family Class, a parent or guardian must participate in the child’s class and wear an approved helmet and skates at all times while on the ice.
For more information on the Learn to Skate program, please visit
Media Contact:
Jennifer Stairs
Halifax Regional Municipality
Public Affairs