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The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. with an Invocation.
Councillor Hanson pointed out that on page 13, Graham "Reade" should be spelled "Read" and his address should be Lawnwood Avenue, not Longwood Avenue.
MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to approve the Minutes of meeting held on March 2, 1998 as amended. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to approve the Order of Business. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
4.1.1 Snow Removal from Sidewalks
The Clerk advised there was no report available.
Councillor Walker requested that even though this matter would be dealt with during budget deliberations before there is another meeting of Community Council, he still wanted to know what an area rate does for Districts 15-18 as far as what would be the total amount raised by one cent on an area rate.
4.2 Case 7556 - Rezoning of Approximately 156 Acres of Land Owned by Midyat Investments Limited between McIntosh Run and Colpitt Lake in the Mainland South Area of Halifax
Councillor Stone pointed out that at the last meeting, Community Council found itself in a deadlock situation and moved on. Since then, the Municipal Solicitor advised that to make a legal motion required a motion in the positive. He asked, therefore, for a positive motion with regard to this application.
MOVED by Councillor Walker to accept the staff recommendation to rezone 156 acres in Mainland South, lands of Midyat Investments Ltd. from H (Holding) to RDD (Residential Development District) as shown on Plan P200/21451 of Case 7556.
Seconded by Councillor Adams for discussion purposes.
Councillor Adams explained that because the motion at the last meeting was in the negative, a non-decision actually resulted and that was the reason why there was a motion going forward in the positive tonight so that the process can move forward.
Councillor Walker stated that at the last meeting he had attempted to go back to staff for answers to questions that were raised and, to date, some of those answers were still not available but he had done some research on his own. The land is in Holding until the services can be met and the developer has all the requirements from staff to say it can happen. He acknowledged the residents were upset and did not want the development but there had to be valid reasons for something not to happen. If Community Council turns down the application, the Utility and Review Board will look at it and ask if all the requirements have been met.
Councillor Walker then referred to Mr. Pelham's reference at the last meeting regarding sewers and said that if Mr. Pelham knew what happened in 1973, then Mr. Pelham also knew the answer and, in his opinion, Mr. Pelham misled Community Council by not giving it. Sewage was permitted to be dumped into Herring Cove because the law only pertains to fresh water, not salt water. He expressed concern about the doubts raised.
Additionally, Councillor Walker pointed out that the motion on the floor was for the first recommendation by staff. If it was lost, the second recommendation would be redundant.
Councillor Hanson said he did not feel he had been misled and that he had been directed appropriately. He would stand by the decision he made.
The Chair called for question on the motion. The vote was a tie vote - 2-2.
A member of the public having requested clarification on a vote by the Chair, Councillor Stone explained that the Chair has a vote the same as everyone else on Community Council. Even at Regional Council, the Chair (Mayor) has a vote.
9.1 Request for Sponsorship from Marcelle Drake
A letter dated March 10, 1998 from Marcelle Drake, Waverley requesting sponsorship consideration was before Community Council.
MOVED by Councillors Adams and Hanson to table the information and refer the request to Marine Drive, Valley and Canal Community Council. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
9.2.1 Regional Development Agency Business Plan
Ms. Joanne Fewer, Mr. Barry Scott and Ms. Nancy Polley were in attendance to provide a presentation regarding the RDA Business Plan, which will be going forward to Regional Council tomorrow evening.
Mr. Barry Scott, a Volunteer Director, provided information on the organization, representation, cost sharing arrangements, volunteers, committees/board, affiliations, staffing, mission, achievements, job creation, project involvement, business plan elements, technical resources and fiscal responsibilities.
On a question from Councillor Walker as to whether or not there should be expansion of the Mission Statement to include all areas of HRM, Mr. Scott replied there would be additional resources required - volunteers and/or funding - and stated he was not sure what the Greater Halifax Partnership believed their mandate was as it relates to community economic development.
Councillor Walker pointed out that the Greater Halifax Partnership deals with the former County area just as much as the former Cities. He was referring to small business whereas the Partnership dealt with big business. Ms. Fewer replied that there had been direction last year to maintain the status quo but there could be a change in direction at a future date.
On a question from Councillor Stone as to how many people were employed with the RDA, he was told there were five core staff and seven on contract from other funding sources.
Councillor Stone referred to the 31 full time jobs created last year and asked what they were for. Examples were provided but it was not possible to provide a full list at this time. Councillor Stone requested that this information be made available for Regional Council.
Councillor Adams stated he would like to see the RDA expand but not to compromise the work being done now.
The Chair thanked the representatives for attending.
10.1 Case 7622 - Clayton Park West - Phase 3C
A Staff Report dated March 6, 1998 was before Community Council.
Councillor Stone advised he was pleased with the details worked out with the developer and was in support of the application. This was a Stage II agreement and, therefore, there was no need for a Public Hearing.
Councillor Walker asked when work was expected to start. In reply, Mr. Mike Willett, Clayton Developments advised it was expected to start the middle of May.
MOVED by Councillors Hanson and Adams to approve the Stage II Development Agreement as presented as Attachment I to the Staff Report dated March 6, 1998. Further, that the applicant be given one hundred and twenty (120) days to sign the Development Agreement from the date of approval by Community Council, or the date of any other approvals required to sign the agreement as the case may be, unless an extension thereof is granted by Community Council at the request of the applicant; otherwise, this approval will be void and obligations arising hereunder shall be at an end. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
(Following the meeting, the Clerk was advised by the Planner, Stephen Feist that the Case No. was 7500 not 7622)
10.2 Proposed Adoption of Halifax County Watershed Advisory Board as an Advisory Board to Chebucto Community Council for Those Areas of the Former Halifax County under the Jurisdiction of Chebucto Community Council
A Memorandum dated March 11, 1998 from Dr. Wayne Stobo, Chairman, Halifax County Watershed Advisory Board was before Community Council in this regard.
Councillor Stone asked if there was any information on this proposal from a staff perspective. In reply, Roger Wells, Planner advised that there was no report available; however, the same proposal was going to all Community Councils with jurisdiction over areas of the former Halifax County.
Councillor Stone said, in his opinion, there should be information from staff provided because what was going to happen was that there were going to be a number of waters advisory boards. There should be information on the Terms of Reference of those boards and how they were going to work. He also questioned why the proposal had come by way of the Chairman rather than from staff, which he felt was the way such things usually happened. In reply, Roger Wells advised it came by way of the Clerks Officethrough the Chairman of the Watershed Advisory Board and he did not think the Chairman was seeking direction from staff at this point in time.
MOVED by Councillors Walker and Adams to request a report from staff which should include direction on how Community Council should proceed to ensure there are not too many waters advisory boards in competition with each other, with different directions. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
10.3 Appointments to Halifax Lakes and Waterways Advisory Committee
A Memorandum dated March 2, 1998 was before Community Council from the Municipal Clerk advising that Regional Council had referred the Halifax Lakes and Waterways Committee to both Peninsula and Chebucto Community Councils as it was felt that the Halifax Lakes and Waterways Advisory Committee should more appropriately be placed under the jurisdiction of those Community Councils that closely serve the community. Additionally before Community Council was a Memorandum dated March 5, 1998 from Halifax Peninsula Community Council providing a recommendation as to who should be appointed to the Committee.
Councillor Adams stated he felt Community Council members should have had the opportunity to consider all the applications, not just those forwarded from Halifax Peninsula Community Council. He questioned the process, stating that he felt both Community Councils should have decided on appointments as a group. He suggested asking for information on all the applicants and wait for a staff report regarding the Halifax County Watershed Advisory Board along with a request that the staff report include information regarding this Committee. He said he found it highly irregular that recommendations should come from another body and did not think it was fair to the individuals involved.
The Clerk advised that the information was available from her regarding all the individuals, to which the Chair replied that Community Council should have had time to go through the applications prior to the meeting.
MOVED by Councillors Adams and Walker that a Staff Report be requested on all lakes and waterways committees, their mandates and Terms of Reference before any decision is made by Community Council. MOTION PUT AND PASSED.
Councillor Adams requested that the applicants be advised of Community Council's decision to request a Staff Report.
Mr. Danny Chedrawe, 153 Spinnaker Drive raised the following points:
It was agreed to refer Mr. Chedrawe's comments on to the Traffic Authority because of the on-going accidents.
In response, Councillor Stone advised there was a shortfall in the proposed budget. Budget deliberations would continue this week but he did not think there would be any additional staff approved. Councillors had expressed concern on a number of occasions on the use of voice mail and had requested that it be reduced.
Mr. William Phillips, 9 Crestview Drive raised the following points:
Councillor Walker suggested the great number of lights out might have been as a result of a wind and rain storm which affected the sensors. Councillor Stone suggested that rather than wait for Community Council meetings, Mr. Phillips could
call City Field anytime. Mr. Phillips advised he had done so on occasion but things were not the same as they used to be.
15. NEXT MEETING - May 4, 1998.
On a motion from Councillors Adams and Hanson, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Sandra M. Shute
Assistant Municipal Clerk