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(Tuesday, September 30, 2003 9:00 p.m.) Clean-up crews continue to work round-the-clock to deal with the extensive damage and destruction caused throughout Halifax Regional Municipality late Sunday night by Hurricane Juan. Additional assistance on the ground is being provided by approximately 800 Canadian Forces personnel. They have begun and will continue working in the area tomorrow, alongside H.R.M. and N.S.P.I. crews, in clearing away fallen trees and debris to ensure the number one priority of restoring power to the region as quickly as possible.

H.R.M. advises all H.R.M. workers to report to their normal place of work unless they are unable, in which case they are to please contact their supervisor.

Schools throughout H.R.M. will remain closed on Wednesday.

There will be no residential garbage collection on Wednesday October 1st in Halifax, Cole Harbour/Eastern Passage and Sackville/ Beaver Bank. Collection for these areas will be postponed until Saturday, October 4th, subject to power restoration. However, regularly scheduled green cart pick-up for Wednesdays will occur in the following communities: Dartmouth, Bedford/Hammonds Plains, Prospect Road including Goodwood and White's Lake area, Mineville/Lake Echo and area and Eastern Shore. Recycling collection will occur as scheduled in these areas only.

Metro Transit's full service has been restored, including the ferries. However some delays and detours are in effect, as buses cannot travel their regular routing where streets are blocked. Use of Metro Transit's Monthly September Pass by passengers has been extended until Saturday, October 4th, as a result of regular transit retail outlets not being open to sell October passes. This deadline will be reviewed and possibly extended again, subject to power restoration.

As a result of the heavy rainfall which occurred with the hurricane and the power outages which are still in effect in some areas, some H.R.M. pumping stations and sewage treatment plants may not be performing to their full capacity. Residents are therefore advised to avoid contact with any water courses, lakes or ponds located near a sewage system. More importantly, residents whose water source is drawn directly from a lake or river are cautioned not to drink water from that source, but to seek alternatives until further notice. This is not a concern for H.R.M. residents who obtain their water from the municipal water supply.

For the information of HRM residents all Department of Community Services offices will be open tomorrow with the exception of the following: 2131 Gottingen Street, 277 Pleasant Street and the Lakeside sub-office. Clients requiring emergency assistance served normally by these closed offices should contact offices located at :244 Portland Street; 51 Forest Hills Parkway (Cole Harbour Place), or the Sackville District Office in the Cobequid Multi-Service Centre.

H.R.M. asks for residents' continued patience and understanding with regards to the restoration of municipal and other services after a hurricane of such severe magnitude.

For further information please contact the H.R.M. Call Centre at 490-4000.

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Above content last modified Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 3:57pm.