Feedback from HRM-PIIP on Questions From November 18, 2003 Meeting
As Deborah Story had to present to HRM Council, James Campbell was present and reviewed the questions that were raised in the last meeting. The following is a summary of the questions and answers:
Question#1 - Noise levels at the plant:
Noise levels at the plant property line will meet all regulatory requirements and will be the same as with the previously proposed plant design.
Plant noise levels shall not exceed: 55dBa Leq(between 2300 hours and 0700 hours); 60dBa Leq(1900 hours and 2300 hours; 65dBa led(0700 hours and 1900 hours)
Regular Traffic noise levels for the same time periods are: 59.7dBa Led(between 2300 hours and 0700 hours); 61dBa Led(1900 hours and 2300 hours; 69.1dBa led(0700 hours and 1900 hours).
Question#2- Odour levels at plant:
Same as previously proposed plant specifications.
- All process areas to operate under negative pressure principle
- plant to be fully and effectively enclosed
- all malodorous air within the plant shall be treated prior to discharging
- there shall be no detectable odours originating from the plant beyond the plant property boundary
- emission levels to be monitored at the stack on a continuous basis(this exceeds provincial requirements)
- odour monitoring and recording system/sensors to be in place and calibrated to meet required specifications
- total reduced sulphur(TRS) compounds not to exceed 5.5ug/m3 or 4PPB at measured points of discharge. These levels would be undetectable.
Note: Craig asked if there were any penalties that would be imposed for violating the noise and odour specifications. James said he would check on it and get back to the group.
Question#3- Traffic levels during Plant construction:
- plant construction related vehicle traffic would average 400-500/day. Normal traffic flow for the area at peak times is presently 28-30,000 vehicles.
Question#4- Traffic levels during Plant operation:
-10-20 vehicles. This will include staff and support vehicles.
Question#5- How many outfalls into Halifax Harbour:
-1 municipal outfall from each of the 3 plants under normal weather flow conditions. Plants are designed to handle up to 4 times the average dry weather flow. Storm water flows above these levels will be discharged into harbour.
Question#6- Which outfalls will be diverted to Halifax Sewage Treatment Plant (STP):
- all municipal outfalls on the peninsula, north to the former Bedford town limits will be diverted to the Halifax STP.
- The Herring Cove plant will handle Spryfield and the surrounding area..
Question#7- What is the status with the Halifax CLC’s input into the plant design now that HREP is not involved:
- Process will start again once a new contractor for design and building of the Halifax STP has been selected. Harbour Solutions Project(HSP) staff is expected to make recommendations to HRM Council in the next couple of weeks.
-HREP drawings will act as starting point for plant design consultation.
Note: The CLC, led by Maureen, expressed the point that a great deal of work had already been done by the CLC and the community with regard to the exterior design and the surrounding area. This work was done via the design charette and the work done by George Rogers and Frank Palermo. Maureen emphasized the need to present this work as soon as possible to the responsible groups so that it can be incorporated into any work/negotiations underway with regard to the plant design.
Question#8- Is there a footprint of the plant we could look at that indicates how much area allowed for sidewalk?
James brought in the drawings and the CLC reviewed the areas of concern regarding the placement of the loading bays and the area set aside for future expansion.
Question#9- HOW does Halifax CLC access funds from the Community Integration Fund for operational expenses and to cover costs of “Big Ideas” night on January 20, 2004:
-Deborah and/or myself will liaise with HSP staff to arrange for set up of operating fund for Halifax CLC. A proposal of expenses should be drawn up and submitted to HSP staff. HSP staff will take proposal to HRM council for approval. For items such as “Big Ideas” night. Again, a detailed proposal outlining event and costs to be submitted to HSP staff. HSP staff will take proposal to HRM council for approval.They will convey information on specific Project milestones to the general public by specific media relations
Note: Craig pointed out that any expenses to date have not come form the Halifax CIF, but were covered by Harbour Solutions.
Note: Craig asked James to investigate the rumour about an environmental recycling plant/depot being located on the site.