Skip to content. Accessibility info.The Sewage Collection System (SCS) component of the Harbour Solutions Project includes a number of unique construction events. One of such took place on Friday, December 17, 2004 in the southend of Halifax. This event involved the lifting and placement of a pipe bridge measuring 62 metres long and weighing over 39,000 kilograms (87,000lbs.)
The bridge erection drew quite a crowd of on-lookers and media. The operation also required a large contingent of construction personnel.
The lift was accomplished using a 300-tonne crane. The crane itself was of such a size that it had to be transported to the lift site in 9 pieces, then reassembled.
The structure is designed and located in such a way as to ensure the safety. Access to the bridge will be restricted by fencing and will only be accessible to authorized personnel.
The purpose of the pipe bridge is to convey sewage from a large area of southend Halifax to the Halifax wastewater treatment plant. The Halifax plant will be operational in January of 2007.
L to R: Hon. Barry Barnet, Minister of Service Nova Scotia & Municipal Relations; Hon. Robert Thibeau, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans; Mayor Peter Kelly and Hugh Smith, vice president Dexter Contruction.
Chamber pot found at a Halifax Wastewater Treatment Plant site. A slip-banded yellowware chamber pot recovered from a mid-to-late 19th century privy excavated during the fall of 2002. The chamber pot is typical of the range of objects one would anticipate recovering from a privy. Not so typical were many of the other objects which included children's toys, a cannon ball, a walking stick and a diverse assemblage of personal items either lost or discarded in the privy.