Skip to content. Accessibility info.11.1.2 Harbour Clean-up Plant in Herring Cove - Councillor Adams
A memorandum from Councillor Adams was before Council for discussion.
Councillor Adams stated that residents of the Herring Cove area expressed concern that a clean-up plant "may" be located in their area.
Following a brief discussion, it was noted that no decision as yet has been made as to whether a plant will be built in the Herring Cove area.
Circulated as well was an information item on the Harbour Consensus Symposium as an addition to the Information Items (this item was not discussed by Council).
11.1 Councillor Kelly
MOVED by Councillors Kelly and Adams that First Reading be given to By-laws P-200 and P-201 respecting Pollution Control Charges.
Councillor Greenough gave notice that it will be his intention to move a motion to reduce the pollution control charge currently on the water bill (Dartmouth), for the remainder of this year only, to offset, at least in part, the proposed increase in the wastewater charge.
Councillor Hetherington stated he would like to have copies of the By-Laws when they come back for Second Reading.
Councillor Sarto stated he would like to see the wastewater and pollution control charges separated on the water bills.
10.3.7 Proposed Storm and Waste Water Charges
· A report prepared by Larry Corrigan, Commissioner of Corporate Services, regarding proposed storm and waste water charges, was before Council.
Mr. Ron Singer, Director, Finance, made a brief presentation regarding the proposed storm and waste water charges. Staff is recommendation that Council create a single blended rate of $1.77/1000 gallons of water consumed, to be phased in for 1996/97 by holding former Bedford and County consumers at last year's rate and increasing the rate of Halifax and Dartmouth consumers to $1.69/1000 gallons. Mr. Singer asked that Council give notice of motion for First Reading of By-Laws P-100 and P-101.
Councillors speaking against the recommendation made the following points:
Councillors speaking in favour of the recommendation made the following points:
In response to a question from Councillor Adams asking if it is feasible the pollution control fund will ever be utilized, Mayor Fitzgerald replied the clean up will take place within five years.
Councillor Sarto requested the water bills indicate how much is for pollution control and how much is for waste water expenditures. Mr. Singer replied this can be done noting the amounts allocated for pollution control will not change this year.
In response to a question from Councillor Cunningham, Mr. Meech replied if the by-laws are not approved, the Operating Budget will need to be revisited for further revisions or an increase in taxes.
Councillor Kelly then made the following Notice of Motion.
Take Notice that at the regular meeting of the Halifax Regional Council to be held on September 24, 1996, I intend to introduce a motion to give First Reading to By-Laws P-100 and P-101 respecting Pollution Control Charges.