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Notes From Halifax CLC Steering Committee Meeting July 4, 2002

George Dixon Centre 


Craig Walkington, Anne Perry, Owida Downey, John Fleming, Ross Cantwell, Sharon Martin


Mia Rankin, Arthur Carter, Bob Downey, Alvena Cain, Irvine Carvery


Councillor Dawn Sloane, Remi Couineau (HREP), Ted Tam (HRM), Marcel Deveau (O'Halloran Campbell), Ken Margeson (HREP), Dan O'Halloran (O'Halloran Campbell), Trish Patterson (HREP - Dillon Consulting), Eric Cunningham (HREP)


The following is a summary (not a transcript) of the presentation and questions and answers part of the meeting.


Artist renderings of what the exterior of the STP might look like were reviewed. The group was informed that the technical features of the plant were well defined in the contract. The conditions laid out in the RFP (Request for Proposals) for the STP and Pumping Station (located near Point Pleasant Park), in Mr. O'Halloran's opinion, were quite stringent. It is unlikely that the location of the STP will change.

The group was shown a preliminary drawing of the foot print of the STP with the . proposed expansion. Upper Water Street will be re-aligned to the east. It will become a 4 lane road with sidewalks on either side. Barrington Street will not be affected. The main parking lot will be located on the Water Street side of the plant, some parking will be on the Barrington side. The proposed structure and future STP expansion plans will be able to support buildings on top. The scale of the building will be 100' x 300'. The expansion of the plant could take place in 2014 or 2020. Construction of the STP will begin sometime in the Winter of 2003. The road re-location (Upper Water Street) will begin in the Fall of 2002. The design process for the STP will begin sometime in August 2002.

Question:   Ross asked if they had considered the Cogswell Street

Interchange Study done by Lindsey?

Answer:   Dan O'Halloran said no, they had looked at the Vaughn study. The design issues, the site location issues were handled by HRM. Dan O'Halloran said they responded to the details outlined in the RFP. To change the site location or to move it is an HRM responsibility.

Action:   It was suggested that the Halifax CLC put forth a proposal that would address its traffic concerns to George McLellan. The proposal could include suggested adjustments to the location of the plant or its configuration.

Question:   Councillor Sloane said that the future development of the Cogswell Street Interchange will be affected by the STP and the STP will be affected by the Interchange. Why can't we look at both at the same time?

Question:   Ross asked why we couldn't facilitate a meeting with HRM, HREP, the Capital District et al. to develop a common vision for the area?

Answer:   Dan O'Halloran said that he would need to get the direction from senior decision makers in HRM.

Question:   Has HRM considered the use of the roof and the potential traffic flow and car access? For example, if a tourism office or cultural centre were built on the roof.

Question:   Craig asked if consideration been given to driver safety after the plant expansion? The proposed expansion will create visibility problems as drivers come around the corner or exit the building on the Upper Water Street side.

Answer:   Ted Tam said that the HRM traffic people should be involved in the discussions about the roof usage.

Action:   It was suggested that the CLC could brainstorm possible uses for the roof and the HRM traffic people could provide advice and assistance in determining the potential impact on traffic flow, safety, etc.

Question:   Ross asked if we could get the assistance of an architect who is skilled in urban design to work with the CLC in developing its own design suggestions?

Answer:   O'Halloran will find an architect to work with the CLC. The architect will attend the Aug. 1 st meeting of the CLC.

Action:   The CLC will brainstorm some design ideas before they meet with the architect. Dan O'Halloran will call Sharon with the name of the architect.

Question: Craig asked for copies of the drawing of the STP footprint.

Action: O'Halloran will send copies to Sharon's office.


Trish Patterson

Trish is with Dillon Consulting. It is her job to ensure that the public are involved in the STP process.


Alternative Plan

Councillor Sloane will send a copy of the alternative plan for the Cogswell Street Interchange to Dave McCusker.


Number of Guests

It was suggested that we limit the number of Representatives / Experts / Guests that attend our meetings at any given time. Although we want to have presentations and appreciate the expertise that is shared, it can be quite intimidating from a community perspective to have a large number of representatives in comparison to the number of CLC members. Some of our members were very quiet throughout the meeting and we should be mindful of this.


Visit to Quebec STPs

Craig expressed dismay that the chairs of the CLCs were not invited to attend the tour of the two STPs outside of Montreal. The community was cut out of this trip. Craig expressed the point that it is the community and not HRM Council who need to be convinced of the benefits and neutral effects of hosting an STP. Councillor Sloane said that she did not know who would be attending the trip until she was at the Airport. Craig will write a letter to Mike Labrecque to let him know how very disappointed the CLC is that no CLC representatives were included.


Approval of Halifax CLC Guiding Documents

Motion by John, 2 nd by Owida: To accept the Halifax North STP

Terms of Reference, Committee Member Agreement and Effective Committee Practices

Discussion: In the Effective Committee Practices, Anne was concerned about #5 "There will be no alternate members and no proxy voting". Sharon explained that it is now a standard and widely accepted practice. It encourages attendance at meetings. It encourages active involvement in all key decisions. It encourages interest and involvement in the entire process. The CLC will always have within its power to defer major decisions until a later time. However, as long as there is a quorum, decisions can be made.

Motion carried.


Next Meeting

5:30 p.m. July 18 th , 2002. - George Dixon Recreation Centre



Note: So that we can move forward with CLC issues, please notify Sharon if you are not able to attend a CLC meeting. Low attendance impacts out ability to properly discuss and deal with the business of the CLC.

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