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Present: | Craig Walkington, John Fleming, Anne Perry, Irvine Carvery, Owida Downey, Sharon Martin
Regrets: | Mia Rankin, Arthur Carter, Bob Downey, Alvena Cain |
Guest: | Ross Cantwell |
1. | Agreement of Service Craig handed out copies of the signed Agreement of Service. Mike Lebrecque was unable to attend the signing on June 3, so Mike Kroger signed on behalf of HRM. |
2. | Boundary Sharon led the group through an exercise by asking them the following question: "What criteria should the boundaries meet in order to have the best chance of success?" Two cards were given to each member of the group. They were asked to write down their 2 preferred criteria. All the criteria were listed on a flip chart. At the next meeting the group will review the list, and embark on part 2 of this exercise. The list of preferred criteria will be at the end of these notes. |
4. | Strategic Planning Proposal Ross Cantwell handed out his proposal for a community strategic plan. Several points were brought to the groups attention:
Ross felt that the planning process should take about 6 months. He pointed out that this community has significant resources and expertise. Craig, Ross and Sharon will meet to discuss how this proposal can be moved forward. |
5. | Review of Draft Documents Craig handed out drafts of a Terms of Reference and Effective Committee Practices. The group was asked to review them, and to come to the next meeting with recommendations. |
6. | Meeting with the Proponents The committee will meet with the Proponents to discuss the pre-design and construction of the plant. The group agreed to provide a list of suggestions of what they want the plant to look like from the outside. The Proponents will be invited to the next meeting on July 4 th , or on June 27 th . Craig will confirm the date with the group. The consensus was that the Proponents will be asked to come to the meeting prepared to speak about the following:
7. | Next Meeting The next meeting of the Steering Committee will be at 5:30pm on July 4th, 2002, at George Dixon. Meetings of the Steering Committee will be scheduled every 2 weeks at George Dixon unless otherwise cancelled or re-scheduled. |
8. | Preferred Criteria
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