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Present: | Craig Walkington, Anne Perry, Maureen Strickland, Arthur Carter, Alvina Cain, Owida Downey, Larry Tench, Clarke Cromwell, Fred Connors, Mia Rankin, Sharon Martin |
Regrets: | Ross Cantwell, Sharon Laframboise |
Guests: | George Rogers, Frank Palermo |
1. | Site Walk About |
2. | Presentation by George Rogers and Frank Palermo and Discussion The following is George Rogers's outline of what he feels the CLC should consider and the steps to follow: 1. Site Analysis - Purpose: To review aspects of the site first hand. 1.1 Walk About Note in particular: Traffic movements/safety Surrounding environment - vacant lands, building character, building types, scale Aspects of the interchange Noise/pollution Orientation Potential pedestrian/bicycle routes to downtown Envisage what kind of use might be appropriate 1.2 Discussion Come to consensus on above items. 2.0 Site Development/Use 2.1 Given the above analysis, come to consensus on appropriate use of site, i.e., recreational, residential, commercial, public facility, landscaped open space, or combination of various. (Note different roof heights, limitations on building height and location). 2.2 Determine best use of funds i.e., if funds should be used to develop the site, or if development will be achieved by other means, e.g., proposal call. 2.3 If proposal call route, initiate terms of reference (include community facilities, design criteria, sustainability and "green" construction. Strive for a memorable building. 2.4 Determine treatment of roof and site in the interim period. 3.0 Building Elevation Design 3.1 Consolidate preferred design criteria and desired outcomes and pass on to proponent. 3.2 Proponent to present design options to Committee for review and comment. 4.0 Landscaping and Site Works 4.1 Develop design criteria, e.g., separate service areas from public areas; provide public amenities such as mini parks, interpretative signage, and lighting. 4.2 Demonstrate how sited will incorporate safe and convenient connection to downtown area. 4.3 Consider historical associations in developing site and building design. Desired Outcomes
General Discussion What is an acceptable design for the building? The CLC is not expected to design the building, that is the responsibility of the proponent, however the CLC should develop design guidelines and put those forward to the proponent. Barrington Street: The service area for trucks almost touches Barrington Street; this will be problematic for pedestrian walkways and bikeways. Does the service area need to be so close to Barrington; can it be redesigned, perhaps re-oriented? Expansion Area: Will it be built (grade wise) the same as Phase 1? The area reserved for future expansion is considered too big and is undefined. While it is understood that the size and date of any future expansion are not known, the CLC feels very strongly that this lack of definition will severely impact the ability to plan any development on top and surrounding the plant. Any future development should follow the same guidelines as Phase 1 and not be visible from Barrington. Can we request that the size of the expansion be reduced, e.g. the footprint? The consensus was that we should focus on the façade of the Barrington Street side of the building, on what people will be looking onto from the windows of their houses and apartments. Also what the edge of the building and grounds will look like from street level. Ideas: 1. Pedestrian and bikeways need to be considered. The water front boardwalk could eventually extend further north and reach Barrington Street. The STP could become a destination area, viewing area to the bridges. However the STP service area needs to be moved back from Barrington Street. 2. Botanical Garden or Atrium built on top. The building could be constructed of glass. A green house with market. We should not limit ourselves to the footprint of the building. It could be a "life cycle" building. 3. Long term, Barrington Street should become a street, not a highway, make it like it used to be before the Cogswell St. Interchange was built. This may compel future plans to move away from a highway scenario to a street scenario, make both sides of the street green. It has been difficult to get useful traffic study information for the site. What are the long term plans for Barrington Street, especially as it relates to truck traffic? Few cities would allow trucks such access; they would be routed through industrial areas. Are there plans to build such a route? Has it been considered? This site and its surrounding area are important to both the community and to the city. Design Guidelines for the Roof: The minimum would be a glassed in space, like an atrium. The preferred option would be a structure that could house a botanical garden. The façade of the STP would need to compliment a glass structure The truck issue needs to be addressed.
3. | Approval of Notes from May 6, 2003 Meeting Moved by Alvina, second by Clarke to approve the notes. Approved. |
4. | Community Consultation Meeting
The Community Consultation Meeting has been re-scheduled to Monday, June 16, 2003 at 6:00pm
5. | Next Meeting Date Whole Committee - Tuesday, June 3, 2003 at 6:00pm. It is requested that Maureen and Ross have their drafts for the CIF and Strategic Plan ready for review at the June 3 meeting. |
Please advise Sharon Martin at 490-4567 or e-mail at martins@region.ha or Craig Walkington at 420-2751(W)/422-6968(H) or e-mail at if you are not able to attend the meetings .
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